To establish a quality Ayurveda Institute for providing value added and globally relevant education based on eternal human values.
To establish a viable link between tradition, science and technology using ultra modern facilities, state of art equipment, sophisticated modern diagnostic aids and ancient traditional ideology
1. To educate and train our students to provide “fit for purpose” quality health care services to the society they will serve and, in the process, become the most trusted and respected members of the society.
2. To make our patients aware about their overall health and deploy all the measures of timely prevention, intervention and timely delivery of quality health care in the most efficient and effective way.
3. To address “Learning and Growth” aspirations of our employees and also, address the education and health care needs of the society in general.


Ensuring excellence in the academic milieu by providing nourishing and stimulating learning environment
To impart value added, universally relevant, quality teaching in order to engender globally viable and competent Ayurveda professionals
To meet the needs of ever expanding health care sector in the country through Ayurveda the ancient science of life.
To equip the students with the cutting edge technology and provide rare insight into the Indian medical philosophical insight to meet social values