Agada Tantra


         The department deals with toxicology, forensic medicine and medical jurisprudence. Agadtantra is one among the eight branches of Ayurveda. Agadtantra deals with poisons, it’s action, clinical manifestations, diagnosis of acute, chronic and cumulative toxicity and treatment. It helps in better understanding properties, effects and management of animate and in animate poisons.

        Forensic medicine (vyavhar ayurveda) deals with medical aspect of law and medical jurisprudence (vidhivaidyak) deals with legal aspects related to medicine.


       A well established departmental museum helps students to enhance learning experience and adds curiosity in subject also. The departmental display includes pictorial depiction of various aspects of forensic medicine and toxicology in the form of charts. Museum also displays various types of weapons, poisonous specimens and models of forensic medicine.


  1. To bring law and medicine together for preparing medical students for their medical legal and social duties in medical professions.
  2. To give sufficient knowledge to handle the case of poisoning 
  3. To create a Frist contact physician who is aware of medical ethics, duties and various acts governing medical practice.
  4. To produce a doctor who is well informed about medico – legal responsibility during practice of medicine.


Faculty Name Dr. Mahesh Patil Dr. Hetal Patel Dr. Hrishekh Upadhaya
Designation  M.D. M.D. M.D.
Experience  14 years 5 Months. 3years 2 Months 1 year 9Months
Publication  - Paper presentation – 03

Research article -03

Paper presentation - 03

Research article -01